WP1: Management and dissemination
WP Coordinator: Dr Nevena Puač
The main goal of WP1 will be to encompass all organizational and scientific administrative tasks required for a successful project realization. This will done through the following objectives:
(•) to ensure adequate management,
(•) to oversee project results and manage associated risks,
(•) to draft, review and submit reports,
(•) to coordinate exploitation of the results,
(•) to ensure effective communication between all partners within and outside of the project,
(•) to coordinate the dissemination and outreach activities, (•) to create interest and raise awareness among the relevant stakeholders and policy makers on the outcomes of the project.
WP2: Investigation of APP properties suitable for biomedical application in wide frequency range
WP Coordinator: Dr Gordana Malović
The main goal of WP2 is to define the operating setups (geometry and electrical configuration) and optimal plasma parameters suitable for treatment of biological material and liquid for three different APP sources operating at kHz, MHz and GHz frequencies. This will be achieved by following two objectives:
(•) full characterization of APP sources – power deposition measurements, determination of the most relevant excited and metastable species in plasma, electrical field measurements, determination of electron temperature and density
(•) modelling of equivalent electrical circuit for better optimization of the APP sources geometries –influence of plasma and target properties.
WP3: Plasma tailoring of gas and liquid phase chemistry
WP Coordinator: Dr Nikola Škoro
Tailoring of the chemistry in plasma treated samples for specific applications requires complete information on relevant chemical species in the gas phase and the liquid sample. As the first objective in this WP, detailed determination of gas-phase chemistry by using mass spectrometry measurements on all three APP sources will be performed. The second objective in this WP is measurement of properties of plasma treated liquids. Results on physico-chemical (p-c) properties and densities of selected reactive species in treated liquids that are important for biological samples will be obtained. Finally, results from both plasma and liquid chemistry will be used for selection of treatment conditions suitable for specific biological samples in WP4.
WP4: Influence of plasma induced chemistry on biomedical resources
WP Coordinator: Prof Dr Dragana Vuković
The overall goal of this WP will be to investigate the possibilities and the effects of biomedical application of APP sources in relation to their specific configuration, selected direct or indirect treatment and, most importantly, corresponding plasma chemistry. In order to achieve this, the first objective will be to perform a benchmarking of the APP sources and the obtained gas and liquid phase chemistry through the applications on plant cells and assessing of antibacterial efficacy leading to the identification of the main plasma-derived reactive species responsible for activated mechanisms in the cells. The second objective, and a step further in antibacterial plasma treatments, will be assessment of the (a) possible bacterial resistance developed against plasma treatments; (b) influence of the plasma derived chemistry on the bacterial resistance to conventional antibacterial agents.